Dear Amazon Team
This customer review without Verified Purchase, I found all orders and can't find this order, the reviewer never buy it and use the product, it is no base on a honest opinions and experience, this is a malicious comment, it is no fair for us, and it will also mislead other customers, please check it and help me remove it. Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
Dear amazon
This is review,the buyer said that she received the Scratches and the used one,and the package was broken,so we though the package was damaged when amazon ship it.
And the item must be the returned product by other buyer,Amazon did not check the returned
item carefully,and put the returned item to the sellable warehouse. So this buyer received an used product.
Cause the package was shipped by amazon,so amazon will be responsible for it.
We checked all of our products very carefully before we shipped the products to amazon warehouse,so the product is good when we ship it.
Please investigate it and help us to remove it. Thank you.
如果买家留 1 星 2 星,可以去掉,但是 3 星很难去掉。
Dear amazon
This is review, we though that the buyer left with wrong star ""Qualità
prezzo ok Carino. Il tuch é buono e la sincronizzazione di rubrica messaggi enotifiche é veloce, una volta che si è scaricata l app Buon prodotto. Consegna perfetta " "The content of this review,all aspects are positive, but he left us with only 3 star,
Maybe the buyer is too excited to click with the wrong star by acci dentally.
Please investigate it and help us to remove it. Thank you!
亚马逊配送,你可以适当在邮件说产品,包装坏得很严重, 是亚马逊的责任。
Dear amazon
This is review,the buyer said that she received the Scratches one,and the package was broken,so we though the package was damaged when amazon ship it.
Cause the package was shipped by amazon,so amazon will be responsible for it.
We checked all of our products very carefully before shipping to amazon warehouse,so the product is good when we shipped it.
Please investigate it and help us to remove it. Thank you
The comment includes obscene language, please remove it,thank you. Dear Amazon Team
The customer review includes obscene language. Every buyers have the right to review product, but i don't think that he should use foul language, it can't meet the guideline of the review policy from amazon
The content of review: "只截取脏话部分"
Please investigate it and help us to remove it.
Thank you
Best Regards
Dear Amazon Team
I found all orders and can't find this order, the reviewer never buy it and use the product, this is a malicious comment, please help me remove it. Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
07 不会使用的(如331不会启动)
Dear Amazon Team
I found all orders and can't find this order, the reviewer never buy it and use the product, this is a malicious comment, please help me remove it. Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
This review regards to asking the functions about the product,maybe the buyer does not know where to ask about it
He should askin "QA"or email to the seller,not leaving a bad review here for us,so it is very unfair for we seller.
Please investigate it, and help us to remove it.
Thank you
Dear Amazon
This review violates the amazon policy about"Comments on pricing, product availability or
purchase options are not related to the product and should not be shared in Customer Reviews or Customer Questions and Answers."
It is no fair for us, and it will also mislead the other buyers, please check it and remove it, thanks!!!
Required action:
As the review the customer complain that it is no charger,however,in fact,for this fitness tracker,our accessories without charger ,because it is no need the charger to charge,the correct charge way:use the usb port of a computer or power adapter connected to the socket Wall
And please check with the attachment,The charge way we have clearly described in our user
manual and product it is no our product problem,it is the customer not read the information about the user manual and product
So please help us remove it,this review is unreasonable and it will
mislead the other purchase customers.
这个情况较少见 ,他在我们店铺和其他卖家那里留内容一 模一样的差评 ,但我们没有 vp ,其他卖家那里有 vp 。
Dear amazon
This is review,we though that the buyer left in the wrong link. The 2 reviewers for the 2 links are all the same,
The buyer left the review in our product link,there is no ""Acquisto verificato"",but he left in another store link,there is ""Acquisto verificato"",so we thought that the buyer left the review in the wrong link,and realised that he did it wrong,so he reviewed to the correct link again,so for other store link,there is ""Acquisto verificato""
1.Here is our link: m_cr_getr d rvw_ttl?ie =UTF8&ASIN =B073XZD3PF
2.Here is another link(with ""Acquisto verificato"",the buyer should left his review in this link,not ours)
CORREZIONE FEEDBACK non funziona con huawei p9 lit...
UTF8&ASIN =B071955B43
Please check the attachment.
Please investigate it and help us to remove it. Thank you
如果客服部帮忙删掉 ,就隔一两天再开 case ,遇到不同的客服可能就去掉的。
这些 review,每次开了 case 之后 ,直接 copy 到一个文本上 ,下次开 case 直 接复制上去, 不用一次次填。如下:(下次开 case 直接 copy 就好了)
ASIN or ISBN of the product:B01LZE2PKP---去掉了 Title of the review:Da non comperare
The name of the reviewer: Paolo
The date of the review as it appears on our website:16 settembre 2017 The direct link to the review /post (click the 'Comments' link after the review, and copy/paste the URL that displays in your web browser: cr_srp d rvw_ttl?ie =UT F8&ASIN =B01M01NX1P
Required action:
Dear Amazon Team,
The comment includes obscene language, please remove it, thank you Best Regards
上周,亚马逊刚公布五行卖点新要求,将特殊字符、表情符号和一些类似"保障退款权益"的短语划定为不合规字... -
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01 没有VP,恶意差评Dear Amazon TeamThis customer review without Ver... -
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一.尽可能把链接设置多变体可以先看下自己店铺的热销链接是否是单个子体?如果是,请思考下是不是白白浪费了很多订单。因为多变... -
大概的情况是:自己一个产品卖不动,打算清货了事,于是找了服务商,服务商的要求是,可以帮忙在站外推广销售,但需要卖家按照3... -